Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontic Department (OMFS) is a part refurbishment and part new build. This scheme brought together separate facial surgery and orthodontic departments to form a new combined clinic.
The polyclinic for orthodontic procedures includes 6 specialist chairs and was formerly the hospital chapel. The adjacent surgery rooms were created by infilling a courtyard/lightwell by constructing a steel frame to form two floors, spanning over an existing non-loadbearing structure that had to be retained and kept live during the construction period, because it accommodated the hospital IT hub and a main kitchen.
The completed scheme has transformed the first floor (which was previously one of the older, dated parts of the hospital) into a modern, bright, welcoming facility.
The interior design, also by Arturus, introduces feature lighting and printed glazed screens to create a nonclinical
feel to the department. The colour scheme is calm and relaxing.
Orthodontics facilities
Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK
October 2018