This small, but complex project, brought to life an existing courtyard used only as a fire escape by creating
a multi-faith meeting area and garden to replace the old hospital chapel. The complexity of the project being that the courtyard is surrounded by hospital accommodation on all sides which had to remain in use throughout. The building was designed using a glulam structure that could be craned over these buildings and assembled using techniques to reduce noise levels and so reduce the impact on the surrounding wards.
The focal piece of the garden, a commissioned sculpture by a local artist, is visible through a series of glazed screens within the new building, leading visitors in from the hospital corridor through into the quiet sanctuary of the garden. The project also included a separate Quiet Room, Office and Toilets, including dedicated washing facilities for Muslim Prayer. A second smaller garden brings natural light deeper into the plan.
The project has been very well received by the users of the hospital and was opened by Bishop of Bath and
Wells in a dedication ceremony.
Religious Centre
Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK
April 2018